Tuesday, March 27, 2012

CKK #32 Results

CKK #32 Results
(1. none of the comments are from the kukai coordinator 2. comments and votes of the players are anonymously stated)

Players: 1.Pat Geyer, East Brunswick, New Jersey, USA; 2. Gheorghe Postelnicu, Romania; 3. Ralf Bröker, Germany; 4. Marleen Hulst, The Netherlands; 5.Cara Holman, USA; 6. Rita Odeh, Nazareth, Israel; 7. Alegria Imperial, Canada; 8. Keith A. Simmonds, T&T; 9.Juhani Tikkanen, Finland; 10. Franklin Magalhães, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 11.Famida Basheer, India; 12. Irena Szewczyk Poland; 13. Diane Mayr, USA; 14. Johnny Baranski, Vancouver, Washington USA; 15. Bill Kenney, USA; 16. Catherine J.S. Lee, USA; 17. Cezar-Florian Ciobîca, Romania;


memories of a place
I've never been
Votes: 531*** Points: 14
Notes: I haven't had saltfish since I was a kid; for us, it was Depression food, consistent with what you said about its history in your part of the world – a poor people's food that the rich have caught on to
Comment 1: Dreaming of possibilities.
Comment 2: This one evokes ancestral memories in such a succinct way.
Comment 3: I like the comparison of a dish/recipe as being a record or memory of a place

church bells -
on the narrow road
smell of salted fish
--Cezar F. Ciobîca
Votes: 721*** Points: 14
Comments: This reminds me of being in Italy during Lent ...many, many years ago.


Mother's Day-
two old ladies exchange
saltfish recipes
--Rita Odeh
Votes: 44**** Points: 12
Comment 1: This made me think of my Italian Grandmother and her lady friends.
Comment 2: Funny:) I imagine it being a dish like mincemeat pie that's more partial to the older generation.


salted fish
all those things
I've yet to try
--Cara Holman
Votes: 421*** Points: 11


wet laundry freezes
on the clothes line in winter...
baccalà for lunch
--Pat Geyer
Votes: 4*1*** Points: 07
Comment 1: I would have given this one more than one point, except for two things—"freezing" rather than "freezes" would have made it an immediate observation rather than a statement, and "on the clothes line in winter" is a little verbose; maybe "on the winter clothesline". (I understand the poet chose 5-7-5 and my suggestions disrupt that pattern.) That said, I do love the juxtaposition of slabs of stiff laundry and slabs of salt fish.
Comment 2:I visualize a nice comparison of fish being hung to dry to the laundry on the line.

silance on the lakeshore -
saltfish not fresh one
Votes: ****** Points: 00

lonesome morning
salted fish fights
last night's spirits
--Ralf Bröker
Votes: ****** Points: 00

fjord cruise
the scent of salted fish
from the shore
Votes: 511*** Points:10
Comment 1: I am not entirely convinced that one could separate the smell of salt
fish from the smell of the ocean, but it surely is a lovely moment anyway.
Comment 2:I like the sirens lure from shore while only able to float on by.

the salted wind gathers our clan
for stewed bacalao
--Alegria Imperial
Votes: 31**** Points: 05
Comments: I wonder about the need for the moonset. I like the idea of seasoning the wind.

salted fish simmers
in a sweet sauce with breadfruit
our mouths watering
--Keith Simmonds
Votes: 11**** Points: 03

Swimming again -
the salted fish
in my stomach
--Juhani Tikkanen
Votes: 211*** Points: 07

At last the sea.
The mountain river fish
--Franklin Magalhães - Rio de Janeiro
Votes: 2*1*** Points: 04

dry eyed now
she once gulped salt tears
while oceans wept
--famida basheer
Votes: ****** Points: 00

faded ink notice
flaps on the parched fishnet--
fresh salted fish
--Irena Szewczyk Poland
Votes: 11**** Points: 03

salted fish...
I cannot wrap my mind
around it
--Diane Mayr
Votes: 5***** Points: 05
Notes: Diane says...Sorry, but I've never been a fish eater, and salted fish is not even in the realm of possibility for me!

brazier smoke
unaware of his fate
salted fish
--johnny baranski
Votes: 1***** Points: 01

summer morning . . .
drying on the clothesline
slack-salted pollock
--Catherine J.S. Lee
Votes: 31**** Points: 05
Comments: funny:)

LATE ENTRY Received While Voting Was In Process

salted fish and rice
the first time
I eat with my hands
--Christine L. Villa
Note from Christine: This haiku reminds me of our Filipino culture. Many Filipinos enjoy eating salted fish and rice with their hands. It seemed like a strange to me, but my very first experience was memorable. :-)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

CKK 32

saltfish buljol image from google

Dear haiku friends you are invited to participate in The Caribbean Kigo Thirty Second Kukai

The Kigo is salted fish

Send one haiku which includes salted fish e-mail to


hibiscus hedges -
the popping sound of frying
saltfish accras
-- gillena cox

(in Trinidad and Tobago we use the term 'saltfish' in conversations; salted cod [salt fish] was once considered the poor man's dish, having had a history of being food for slaves; not so now, its pricey and available in all the supermarkets, an all time favorite for a variety of recipes; accras and buljol are two very popular ones). Saltfish is even more popular in the Lenten Season.

Deadline for sending entries is March 10th 2012
Deadline for sending votes is March 20th 2012

A voting list will be e-mailed to all players

Voting: Votes to be scored using a total of 6pts

Comments during voting are encouraged but must be limited to 3 lines; when published these comments and votes

will be given anonymous listings.

Ballots: (votes and comments) to be sent to e-mail to

The results will be published here at Caribbean Kigo Kukai

After results have been posted, any comments you wish to make can be posted directly here at the blog just click on comments at the end of the post

much love